Di, 10.09.2024 | 14:55-15:45 | Kabel 1 Doku

Unerklärliche Phänomene - Ancient Aliens

Geheimnisvolle Inseln

Falls außerirdische Kreaturen die Erde schon seit Anbeginn unserer Zeitrechnung besuchen, welchen Einfluss haben sie auf den Verlauf unserer Geschichte, auf die Geographie der Erde und die Evolution der Menschheit? Die Doku-Reihe versucht, Antworten auf diese Fragen zu finden _ anhand wissenschaftlicher Expertisen und intensiver Feldforschung.

Ancient Aliens
Richard M. Dolan (Self - Author, UFOs and the National Security State)
Mike Bara (Self - Author, The Choice)
Andrew Collins (Self - Author, The Cygnus Mystery)
Nick Redfern (Self - Author, The World's Weirdest Places)
Tim R. Swartz (Self - Editor, Conspiracy Journal)
Jonathan Young (Self - Founding Curator, Joseph Campbell Archives)
Giorgio A. Tsoukalos (Self - Publisher, Legendary Times Magazine)
Ronald Hutton (Self - Professor of History, Bristol University)
William Henry (Self - Author, The Judgment Day Device)
Jason Martell (Self - Author, Knowledge Apocalypse)
David Childress (Self - Author, Lost Cities of Ancient Lemuria and the Pacific)
Tarcisius Kabutaulaka (Self - Professor of Pacific Islands Studies, University of Hawaii)
Hugh Newman (Self - Author, Earth Grids)
Felicia Beardsley (Self - Professor of Anthropology, University of La Verne)
Brad Olsen (Self - Author, Modern Esoteric: Beyond Our Senses)
Sabina Magliocco (Self - Folklorist, California State Univ., Northridge)
James Cook (Self)
Robert Clotworthy (Himself - Narrator)

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